Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Why I Write Book Reviews

A Book Review Blog?

Didn’t you get enough of that in high school and college?

Some would say “I struggled through doing book reviews and papers enough in school and just can’t imagine why you would want to do that for fun.”

Others might say, “I know little and care less what your opinion of a book is, I need to read it myself.”

And finally, there would be those that read much and appreciate being able to find a person or a blog that reviews books they consider interesting and take the time to offer a synopsis of a particular book and perhaps a  warning as well.

It is for this last group that I write this post.  Let me begin with why I am a Book Review Blogger.

The Beauty of the Spoken or Written Word

I love to read. The written and/or spoken word a is both beautiful and captivating to me.  For instance, the King James Bible (aside from being the inspired Word of God Himself) contains such beautiful phrases.  This magnificence of the poetry in the King James Version of the Bible is simply beyond compare.

I am also quite the quote collector. I have another site called  “Journal in 140:  Wise Words in Short Form“. I post  the words and phrases I find appealing, thought provoking, and/or simply just plain sound. Check it out! You might find it interesting. Find it here: http://Journalin140.wordpress.com

Appreciating the art of writing is the first reason.

The Guidepost Along the Way

As a christian and being one who has chosen to withdraw from an unhealthy intake of words, thoughts or deeds I find it very helpful to read what others of like minds enjoy or disdain in novels and non-fiction.  Before selecting a book, I will read several reviews from people or sites I trust.

Somerset Maugam once said “…everything I read becomes a part of me”.  I take this quite seriously.  Just as eating a non-stop diet of unhealthy food destroys your body, reading a non-stop diet of blood, guts, gore, profanity, adultery, fornication, illicit sex, hatred, murder, indulgence, and the like cannot help but contribute to the shaping of my mind and thoughts.

Besides, there is more lasting remembrance and admiration for a work that does not include such things.  In editing the books and movies in our culture today, one would do well to remember that great work does not need such vile things  and including them only results in a fickle reader base at best.

Communicating the redeeming value of a work is the second reason.

Promoting the Great Work of Another

The Bible states plainly that “Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.” I am not normally a salesman, though, in promoting good books I am.  And this is true for all of us. If we find a product, a idea, or perhaps learn a lesson – we become the salesperson for that product, idea, or lesson.  We have a natural inclination to communicate to others what we ourselves have benefited from.

I take a very different view of creative talent, whether it be music, or writing, or singing, or any other talent.  These talents did not originate with the individual. We are not the author of creator of our physical bodies no matter what the Plastic Surgeon tells you.

Each of us is given a measure of faith and a gift. Some excel, some do not. Some have more instinct, creativity, or talent and some have less.The important thing is what you do with what you have.  Some can learn to excel by following patterns and systematic orders but this is truly a waste in my opinion.  Whatever you receive from all the hard work you put into making yourself something that you simply are not, is miniscule compared to just doing what you were created to do. And if we excel in that, well, beauty and creativity abound.

And finally, as a christian, there are things we can do and create that will outlive us.  These are the things I look for. When I read a book, I am searching for the redeeming value that was once a thought in a mind and through a surrendered heart, God (not the author, not the marketing guy, not the editor) produced a beautiful thing.

This I liken to the Gospels. In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John the salvation story of the  immaculate birth, sinless life, horrible death and glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, to reconcile man back to his Creator  is told by four different men and to four different types of people. It is the same story, just seasoned and flavored by a surrendered heart.

So finally, the last reason is I love to promote these works (fiction or non-fiction) is because I thoroughly enjoy reading them. These books are educational, uplifting, and entertaining. If they bring insight to another or provide a great story that doesn’t defile the reader, I applaud this and do my part to promote it.

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