Monday, September 14, 2009

Simply in Season: A Cookbook Review

Simply in Season Cookbook

As I mentioned awhile back, I had to replace my torn and tattered copy of the More-with-Less Cookbook. As I was on Amazon looking for that cookbook, I discovered this one that is also A World Community Cookbook commissioned by Mennonite Central Committee. Simply in Season is just what it’s name suggests. It is a collection of relatively simple recipes that are organized by season and that use seasonal ingredients. The cookbook has sections for spring, summer, autumn, winter, and “all” seasons. Within each seasonal section are the usual subsections of bread and breakfast, soups, salads, sides, main dishes, desserts, and extras. The summer category even has a section on canning.

In addition to recipes, like other World Community Cookbooks, this one contains a lot of useful information especially for inexperienced cooks who are interested in using more fresh fruits and vegetables but are not sure about such things as how to keep them fresh and the nutritional information for each. There is also a section that details for a whole list of various fruits and vegetables the season in which they are available and then provides a description of it, how to select it, storage and handling, preparation, serving suggestions, nutrients, and how many cups one pound yields both raw and cooked.

Each seasonal section of the cookbook ends with several suggested menus that utilize recipes from that section. Along side the menus are always “Invitations to Action.” These “invitations” offer suggestions for making changes in your cooking and eating that will have a positive impact on the environment.

I must say that every recipe I’ve tried, I’ve enjoyed. I’m looking forward to trying recipes from the fall section now that it’s that time of year. First up may be the Butternut Bisque or maybe the Upside-Down Pear Gingerbread or wait a minute . . . maybe the Gingered Kale and Tofu . . . whatever I decide on, I’ll let you know how it turns out!!

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