Saturday, January 2, 2010

God Meant it for Good (RT Kendall)

R T Kendall is a wonderful writer.  His books are simple, clear and practical and his book on Joseph, God Meant it for Good, is no exception.

A friend of mine lent me their copy when they heard about my series on Joseph and I have been working my way through it by reading a chapter or two at a time.  Because it’s an older edition the language is a little dated (the translation of the bible used and hymns quoted a little difficult to read) but it’s a hurdle well worth overcoming for the really good truths that he presents.

Kendall is clear on doctrine and presents some really helpful insights in a very readable way.  Some of them have been difficult to think about and apply simply because they are so challenging, but that’s a good thing.  It helped me evaluate decisions and plans I have had with a new perspective.  Sometimes it feels as though he writes about things beyond the text but it doesn’t detract from the value of his thinking.

If the story of Joseph has blessed or challenged you, this book would be a really good read.


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